Struggling with Premature Ejaculation? We Can Help

It’s estimated that around 30% of men have problems with premature ejaculation, also called PE,  at some point in their lives. In TV and movies, this often becomes the butt of a joke about young virginal men who get so excited about sex, they can’t stave off orgasm. However, for many men, it’s a serious problem that can arise at any age and in any kind of relationship.

At The Male Method, in Mobile, Alabama our compassionate team of sexual health experts can help restore your confidence. We have a range of therapeutic treatments to help treat premature ejaculation and make you and your partner more satisfied with your sexual interactions.   

Diagnosing premature ejaculation

While PE can simply mean ejaculating too quickly in any sort of sexual setting, a typical diagnosis looks at how quickly ejaculation occurs during penetrative sex. If you feel that you reach orgasm too quickly after penetrating your partner and that they are left unsatisfied, you probably have PE issues.

Causes of PE

There are some causes of PE that are purely physical. Inflammation or infection of either the prostate or the urethra can cause heightened sensitivity and premature ejaculation. Inherited genetic traits or raised levels of chemicals in your brain or hormones can also cause PE.

However, the majority of men who have PE are not diagnosed with a physical cause, but rather a psychological one. The most common psychological causes of PE include the following:


Depression and diminished or unsatisfactory sexual performance have been linked in research studies. Seeking help for depression or minimizing stress in your life may be able to help cure your PE.


Once you are anxious about PE, you can enter a cycle in which your anxiety feeds your PE, which in turn fuels your anxiety. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy, Finding ways to take the stress off yourself can help. 

Consider discussing your PE with your partner, and coming to an understanding that if it happens, it doesn’t have to ruin the experience. You can still make sure your partner is fulfilled and perhaps try again for a more sustained interaction after your refractory period.

History of early sexual experiences or sexual abuse

If you began having sex at a very young age or were sexually abused, it can affect the way your brain and body perceive sex. Getting counseling to address your past can help you in the present.

The Male Method approach

We have a wide range of therapies that can help you achieve sexual satisfaction for yourself, while also increasing the likelihood of satisfying your partner as well.

  • Pelvic floor exercises to help you gain and maintain control
  • Extracorporeal shockwave therapy using gentle, pulsating sound waves
  • Self-administered intercorporeal liquid injections applied to your penis

Are you ready to experience sexual intercourse that is satisfying for both you and your partner? Contact your nearest Male Method location today by calling or making an appointment discreetly online.

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