5 Signs You May Have a Testosterone Deficiency

If you’re like many men, you might not have thought about testosterone since middle school health class, but it could be time to give it renewed focus — especially if you’re not feeling quite like yourself.

Also known as male hypogonadism, low testosterone (low-T) likely affects about 2% of men, but that percentage climbs significantly in certain situations. For example, close to a third of overweight men, a quarter of diabetics, and half of men over age 80 experience low-T.

Made in the testicles, testosterone aids in the development of obvious male traits like facial hair, a deep voice, and strong muscles. It also works behind the scenes to create sperm and keep everything from cells and bones to mood and intellect in top shape.

Once men reach their 40s, however, testosterone levels fall 1% to 2% a year, and this continual decline can result in a variety of symptoms including:

Sexual Challenges

While a long walk on the beach or candlelight dinner sounds perfect, worries about erectile dysfunction and impotence can put a damper on romantic feelings. Low testosterone can contribute to these issues as well as a decrease in sex drive, which negatively affects your quality of life and relationships. Testosterone deficiency can even lead to infertility, as a lack of this important hormone interferes with sperm production.

Mental Health Issues

Everyone has stress in their life and experiences occasional down days. But if these feelings are more common than they used to be — and especially if you have some of the other physical symptoms — they could be a sign of low-T.

Testosterone deficiency can cause depression and can decrease enjoyment of life. It may result in anxiety and irritability as well. Even the ability to concentrate at work and on other tasks can be affected.

Problems with Fatigue

It’s easy to get worn down in our 24/7 culture, but when fatigue feels like more than the usual sense of tiredness, it could be due to low testosterone. This can affect red blood cell production, which may lead to anemia. It can also contribute to insomnia. Even those able to sleep may not be getting the high-quality shut-eye they need because low testosterone can result in fewer deep-sleep cycles.

Loss of Muscle and Bone

No one in their 60s expects to perform on the athletic field or at the gym like they did in their 20s. But there is a difference between natural aging and more serious internal and external changes related to low testosterone.

Without enough of this important hormone, muscles can lose mass and be replaced by fat. The first signs of this could be feelings of weakness and less energy. Decreased testosterone levels can also cause low bone density and osteoporosis because bones are unable to rebuild themselves as effectively.

Body Changes

You might think of hormonal imbalances as affecting women with hot flashes and night sweats, but low testosterone can cause similar symptoms in men. You can also experience a decrease in beard and body hair growth and the development of breast tissue.

If any of these issues sound familiar — especially if you have a combination of symptoms — book an appointment at The Male Method for proper diagnosis and treatment. Call or use the convenient online system on this website.

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