3 Interesting Facts About Surgical Penile Implants

Erectile dysfunction, or ED, occurs when you have difficulty achieving or sustaining an erection firm enough to engage in sexual activity. It’s common for men to experience ED periodically, but it can become more common and persistent with aging. The experienced professionals at The Male Method understand the profound impact erectile dysfunction can have on your overall self-esteem and well-being.

Erectile dysfunction is often the result of physical or psychological health issues, such as:

  • Heart disease
  • Hypertension
  • High cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Prostate cancer treatment
  • Depression, anxiety, and anger

Drinking alcohol, smoking, being overweight, and not exercising can also heighten the risk of developing erectile dysfunction.

Penile implants are medical devices surgically implanted inside your scrotum and penis to help you achieve an erection. A penile implant is a major surgical procedure performed by a urologist.

Here are three facts about this approach to restoring sexual function.

1. There are two types of penile implants

Inflatable pumps

Inflatable pump devices are the most common type of penile implant. These implants include two cylinders placed in your penis that attach to a pump inside your scrotum. When you squeeze the pump in your scrotum, it releases fluid to the cylinders in your penis and creates an erection. To stop having an erection, you squeeze the release valve in your scrotum, and the fluid leaves the cylinders in your penis.

Two-and three-piece inflatable pumps are the most popular penile implants, because they act and feel similar to a natural erection.

Semirigid or malleable rods

These penile implants achieve an erection using two flexible rods inserted in your penis. When you have this kind of penile implant, the rods never change in stiffness or size, so you’re always in a semirigid state.

Semirigid or malleable rods are simple to put in different positions and easy to use, but some men find them less comfortable than inflatable pumps.

2. Penile implants are customized

Penile implants aren’t one-size-fits-all. During your procedure, the surgeon uses your exact body and penis measurements to choose the appropriately sized device. This precision ensures a comfortable fit and optimal function.

When you get an inflatable pump device implanted, your penis also looks completely relaxed when flaccid, which offers a discrete solution for ED. No matter which penile implant you select, your erection will still feel normal in both stiffness and girth, and it won’t interfere with your ability to ejaculate or have an orgasm.

3. Penile implants don’t just treat ED

In addition to treating erectile dysfunction, your provider may also recommend a penile implant to treat Peyronie’s disease. When you have Peyronie’s disease, you develop fibrous scar tissue inside your penis that can lead to painful and curved erections. This common condition affects at least 14 million men in the United States, including men as young as age 18.

For many men, Peyronie’s disease can lead to sexual issues and erectile dysfunction. To offer relief, semirigid or inflatable penile pumps can replace the spongy tissue in your penis. This treatment can restore sexual function and also reduce pain and penis curve during erections.

A penile implant is a permanent surgical procedure. Once a patient has had an implant, it cannot be reversed. Therefore, it is the last stop for men who make this choice for treatment. For more information on alternatives to the penile implant, book an appointment online or over the phone with the Male Method today.

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