Penile Injections May Be Able to Help Treat Your Premature Ejaculation

About one in three men over the age of 50 in the U.S. suffers from premature ejaculation (PE) from time to time, according to the Urology Care Foundation. So when you’re cringing over yet another fictional depiction of PE, there’s a good chance that the writer or the writer’s partner actually experienced it, too.

The better news is, 95% of men who receive treatment for PE are able to resume a healthy sex life with normal ejaculations.  

At the Male Method, located in Mobile, Alabama, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and Pensacola, Florida, we specialize in optimizing men’s sexual health. Our doctors work with you to find the best methods to treat your PE that match your physical needs as well as your comfort level. You can work with us in person or, for some follow-up sessions, through telemedicine.

Determining the cause

Many men with PE also have some degree of erectile dysfunction (ED), which may contribute to PE, or cause similar symptoms. During consultations, our doctors conduct an in-person medical examination and take a complete medical history, which includes questions about the circumstances that surround your episodes of PE.

Based on their evaluation, our expert doctors may recommend a variety of methods to improve your performance, such as:

  • Behavioral strategies, including strengthening pelvic-floor muscles
  • Talk therapy to help heal past trauma, including sexual abuse
  • Extracorporeal shock wave therapy to improve penile blood flow
  • Penile injections to improve blood flow and enhance muscular function

If penile injections are right for you, you’ll need to meet with our doctors so you can be trained on how to administer them safely and effectively.

Use it, so you don’t lose it

The cascade of events that lead to a successful erection ends with your penile tissues becoming engorged with blood. Your penile tissues are actually a muscle called the bulbospongiosus that can atrophy with time or through lack of use.

Treating your PE with injections improves blood flow and strengthens your penile tissues to avoid the long-term damage that’s associated with under-use.

Our doctors train you how to use a medical device called an autoinjector to administer medication into the base of your penis, where there is little feeling, and at the 10 o’clock (left side) or the 2 o’clock (right side) position. To minimize trauma, switch sides each time you have sex. You should inject yourself about five to fifteen minutes before you want to achieve an erection.

Only take the dose that your doctor prescribed. Don’t inject yourself more than once every 24 hours.

You determine adjustments

Be sure to call your Male Method office with your report any issues after each injection so your dose can be adjusted if necessary. You work in partnership with your doctor to find the solution that’s best for you. The injection should help you to maintain a strong erection for up to an hour, even if you ejaculate prematurely.

To find out if penile injections are for you, reach us today by phone or online form.

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