Does Penis Size Affect Fertility?

You may have seen quite a few articles claiming that penis size affects fertility — more specifically, that having a shorter penis can mean having fertility problems. But the actual researchers who worked on the study that’s often quoted in these articles say that’s simply not accurate.

At Male Method, which has locations in Mobile, Alabama; Lancaster, Pennsylvania; and Pensacola, Florida; our team stays abreast of the latest in male sexual health research. 

We take our job seriously, and we’re committed to keeping you updated on real facts and providing sexual health solutions if you have a problem or a concern.

Here’s the truth of the matter when it comes to penis size.

The study of stretched penis length and fertility in male patients

A research study conducted by a team from the University of Utah gathered over 800 men to participate. Of these men, just slightly more than 200 were infertile, while nearly 600 were not. 

The researchers measured their stretched penile length (SPL), which is the distance from the pubic symphysis, just above the penis, to the urinary opening at the tip. The average penis length was 4.92 inches for infertile study participants and 5.28 inches for fertile participants. 

Does shorter penile length equal infertility?

Researchers say that the relationship between penis length and infertility was correlation, not causation. This means that while men who were infertile had, on average, a shorter SPL, there is no evidence that the shorter SPL itself causes infertility. 

Researchers said it was likely that the root cause of the infertility might also be the cause of shorter SPL, or that the root cause of the SPL could cause sexual dysfunction leading to infertility.

What can cause a shorter penis?

Things that can cause you to have a shorter penis length include:

  • Various congenital defects
  • Peyronie’s disease (a condition in which the penis is bent and contains scar tissue)
  • Hypospadia (a deformity of the urethra
  • Other medical issues 

In many cases, however, a shorter penis is normal and falls within average length ranges. 

What can cause infertility?

Infertility can be caused by lack of motile sperm, abnormal sperm production, and problems with sperm delivery, including ejaculation issues or other forms of erectile dysfunction (ED). Chemotherapy or radiation can also damage sperm, and there are medications that can lower sperm count

The psychological connection

Perhaps the biggest link between shorter penile length and male infertility could simply be psychological. Men who are self-conscious about the size of their penis often experience ED, and they may have issues with sexual activities, leading to trouble with conception. 

At The Male Method, our team of experts can help identify any ED issues and help you achieve an improved sex life as well as gaining better chances of fertility.

If you have questions about ED or other aspects of your sexual health, contact us for an appointment. 

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